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We have now entered into a new paradigm of enlightenment and we are experiencing a change in time and frequency here on earth. 
If you are paying attention, you may have noticed a big shift in the planetary energy yourself. Or you may have notice things happening but can't quite understand it but you KNOW something BIG is happening. And you're right! There has been and even more frequently a change on energy where Mother Earth aka Pachamama is turning over and things are beginning to grow in the proper soil. 

The Dragons are here to help assist with the planetary changes, energy upgrades and alignment of Pachamama and the beings who are here to support the evolution of this big planetary shift!. 
The Dragons are very benevolent beings, their energy is similar to the frequency of the Angelic Realm. The Dragons are very POWERFUL beings and though their power is magnificent, their are grounded in the highest energy of love, support, kindness and loyalty. 
The Dragons want you to know and understand that any information that you have come to learn about them through programming to simply remove those ideals and thoughts from your mind and embrace a new understand of their incredible power and tenacity. 
As we are becoming more aware of our own innate powers and gifts, our body knows that it was created to hold the frequency of light. However, due to the lack of support from the outside world, programming, being stripped of our own understanding of self; our bodies are finding it hard to ascend into a higher state of consciousness. Not just a conscious understanding or study but to actually LIVE in that higher state of awareness daily. 
Dragons are here for this purpose. To activate our Golden Dragon Light Body ™ which simply means to live, embody our full self awareness, power, gifts, sovereignty and be a living expression of these truths. As we remember, the dragons are here to facilitate activations, dna recoding, energy alignment within all layers of our bodies i.e physical body, emotional body, astral body, mental body, etheric body, etheric template & celestial body
“We are you friends 😄” - they say 

A Few Facts about the Dragons: Dragons are known to roam several dimensions including 4th, 7th, 12th.
As I am typing this out and channeling their message, the Dragons are requesting that I step aside and be in Trance Channel to allow them to communicate directly to you. 

Here is the Dragon Transmission:

Hello Dear Ones, 

We are so honored that you have found us! There are so many, many, many things we are excited to share with you so much so, we are downloading things information to Antonia who will create an in-depth course for you. In the meantime, we want you to understand that we have been here all along watching you and supporting you along your journey into light consciousness. We are Divine Benevolent beings and we are ALWAYS, here for your good and betterment of your self and humanity. It sadden us that so many of your people see us in the negative and destructive light and that is not who we are at all. 
There are many of us, more than thousands and we are connected to so many cultures, histories and energies around the world. The cultures have so much honor and respect for us and we are hoping to change the narrative on how you few us so we can also have an honorable relationship together, co creating within this world. 
We are one of the most ancient beings in the universe. We operate in 5D consciousness but please keep in mind thats very minimal in comparison to our true power. 
The High Council of Dragons, Antonia and other beings on your planet are apart of this council as well. You are truly blessed because Antonia is ancient soul too lol, she is a Guardian of The High Council of Dragons, she was born into the Dragon lineage and many lifetimes ago she is also the Guardian to other start races, galaxies and a keeper of so much ancient and shamanic energies as well as a key holder to awakening us. Which is in part of how we are all here today! We thank you Antonia !
The guardians, gatekeeper and key holders have arrived! We were waiting on their rise and acceptance to become fully activated and come from behind the scenes. You will hear more and see more for us. 
We are located in the depth of the earth at a subterrian level in a place called Agartha. The entrances to this dimension is hidden within the earth, protected and guarded by technologies far greater than our own and only those who are deemed moral and worthy will ever get there. Shamballah is our great capital city. Known as the City of God. Shamballah is home to many spiritual teachers such as Quan Yin, Mahavatar Babaji and many other beings of light. 
In the great city of Shamballah there are source creation codes available. As above, so below. Heaven is not only above you but also below you!
We are linked to and documented all around the world. Asia, America, Europe, India, China to accent Egypt, Africa and South America.

As you can see, it's many of us all here to connect with you, assist you and support you. Some of us have human forms, wings, fur, tentacles, more than 2 or 4 legs. We can be walking earth with you or in other dimensions. Just know we are here!

This is all for now. Now, let's answer some of your questions.
Before answering the questions, here are a few things to know before co creating with us. 

  • Respect - Honor and Respect of yourself and others are important when co creation with Dragons. There is also the understanding that you are respecting our connection and relationship. This should be guarded, protected and respected to the highest degree. There is no demanding anything from the Dragons. This is a friendship so we would ask that you value us and protect us as you would your greatest friend and ally. We ask that you ASK for our support with respect and reverence. Then simply allow us to step in without any interference. 
Here are a few things you can ask us for support on:

  • Dragon Clearing
  • Creating and Stabilizing Energetic Boundaries
  • Support in difficult times 
  • Higher Realms of Abundance
  • Owning your Power
  • Embodying your Light 
Thank you for allowing us to communicate with you. We are now turning it over to our translator.

Ok, I’m back ! Antonia here, if you made it to the end of this thank you! Thank you for being here and learning a little more about my amazing brothers, sisters and friends .. The Dragons. I am truly honored, grateful and even sometimes in awe of my connection to so many star races, light beings and higher energies. It is with in my sacred heart that I can share all this magic with the world.
The Dragons have risen and are now here! It is time to join us on this beautiful journey of divine love, unified oneness and unlimited abundance !
Let's activate your Golden Dragon Lightbody ™ Join our monthly Dragon energy upgrades or book a Quantum Energy Session to further support you!

with love ,
Antonia M Lawrence 
  • Honor - There is a sense of honesty that has to be implemented. You must ask yourself the questions “Am I willing to accept and receive the support and help even if the solution isn't the one I wanted” “ Are you ready to make the necessary adjustments?” “ Why are you asking for help?” “Is this coming from a genuine place or self serving ?” “Are you asking things that are phrased in a way to manipulate the energy ?” Be sure, Be clear, Be Intentional and Be Honest.
  • Integrity - As you are expanding and learning more about dragon energy or any form of energy healing, integrity, respect and reverence are integral parts. The Dragons have no interest in working with anyone who doesn't have integrity. This means your motives and intentions for access this energy is from a pure loving space. The Dragons will not assist you with the harming, shaming or manipulation of anything or anyone either. We are not to be used as weapons. 
  • Ownership & Responsibility - Yes we are powerful but so are you. The Dragons are not placed here to take all your power away and make you depend on us or even worship us in anyway. In fact, you are as powerful as we are. Our connection and relationship is to help you remember exactly that. That you are a multidimensional, multicellular, intergalactic, divine being of the light. We won't solve all your problems for you, we are simply here to assist you in the self discovery, self mastery and remembers of your miraculous power. One has to own their mishaps, take accountability and be responsible for their actions. Which will foster a sense of everlasting learning, helping you move beyond your current energy state and stated grounded in your earth experience.
Dragons don't do any victim mentality or the blame game. If you are coming to ask for assistance just know you WILL have/need to do the work and not play any games. There is no time for being half in or half out. Dragons have very limited patience. If your intentions is to move more into a responsible role, the dragons can help you with this process.
If you are willing to expand your consciousness, manifestation abilities, take ownership for your thoughts, your actions and your life then the Dragons are ready to add more magic and magnetism to your life.

Thank you for allowing us to communicate with you. We are now turning it over to our translator. 

Ok, I’m back ! Antonia here, if you made it to the end of this thank you! Thank you for being here and learning a little more about my amazing brothers, sisters and friends .. The Dragons. I am truly honored, grateful and even sometimes in awe of my connection to so many star races, light beings and higher energies. It is with in my sacred heart that I can share all this magic with the world. 
The Dragons have risen and are now here! It is time to join us on this beautiful journey of divine love, unified oneness and unlimited abundance !
Let's activate your Golden Dragon Lightbody ™ Join our monthly Dragon energy upgrades or book a Quantum Energy Session to further support you! 

with love , 
Antonia M Lawrence 

Again, we are vast in numbers, shape, color and size. 
Dragons of Telos
Sophia Dragons 
Seraphim Dragons 
Golden Dragons
Green, Purple, Blue, Red, Yellow, White, Orange & multicolor. 
Earth Dragons, Underwater Dragons, Air and Fire Dragons 

Dragons & Dragon Energy
Channeled Message & FAQ

our key principles:

Frequently Asked questions

Who are The Dragons?

How to work with the Dragons & Dragon Energy?

Who are The Dragon?

What can we The Dragons assist you with?

How many Dragons will I have access to?

What can we The Dragons assist you with ? 

How many Dragons will I have access to ? 

Here are a few things you can ask us for support on:

  • Dragon Clearing 
  • Creating and Stabilizing Energetic Boundaries 
  • Support in difficult times 
  • Higher Realms of Abundance 
  • Owning your Power 
  • Embodying your Light 

The Dragons are multidimensional beings that are of the 5D consciousness and beyond. Our High Council o Dragons can go beyond the 44th dimension. We carry the frequency of love, light, prosperity and power. We have an angelic energy about us. We also embody the frequency of sovereignty, unlimited love & true freedom. 

In order to work with us the Dragons, the foundation is grounding. We can't emphasize that enough. Due to our energy being so big and powerful it is a must that you develop a deep grounding practice. The grounding practice that you are currently doing won't be enough. You have to ground in ways you may have never thought of or have been taught. Without strong grounding, this energy can be overwhelming, demanding and sometimes even uncontrollable.
Start with open communication by opening the mind + energy body to connect. The intention you have to work with us is important. Once your nervous system and energy body open up, it will begin to open to multi dimensional tunnel that has packets of data being transferred. The more frequent you spend time with the Dragons and the Dragon Energy you will notice the frequencies when a Dragon is present or around you. 
If you are just starting out, here is a quick prayer to connect with the Dragons “Divine Gatekeeper & High Council of Dragons, with your full permission, I ask that you grant me access to connect to your energy. I am now ready to co create with you. I intend and ask to only connect with an unconditionally loving Dragon of the highest frequency and light, who is willing to connect and co create with me right in this moment. Thank you Divine Dragons and Divine Gatekeeper” 

In order to work with us the Dragons, the foundation is grounding. We can't emphasize that enough. Due to our energy being so big and powerful it is a must that you develop a deep grounding practice. The grounding practice that you are currently doing won't be enough. You have to ground in ways you may have never thought of or have been taught. Without strong grounding, this energy can be overwhelming, demanding and sometimes even uncontrollable.
Start with open communication by opening the mind + energy body to connect. The intention you have to work with us is important. Once your nervous system and energy body open up, it will begin to open to multi dimensional tunnel that has packets of data being transferred. The more frequent you spend time with the Dragons and the Dragon Energy you will notice the frequencies when a Dragon is present or around you.
If you are just starting out, here is a quick prayer to connect with the Dragons “Divine Gatekeeper & High Council of Dragons, with your full permission, I ask that you grant me access to connect to your energy. I am now ready to co create with you. I intend and ask to only connect with an unconditionally loving Dragon of the highest frequency and light, who is willing to connect and co create with me right in this moment. Thank you Divine Dragons and Divine Gatekeeper”

There is no limit to how we can assist you in this world or even other realms. Please just ask for us and we will help assist if this ask is for the good of others. Integrity is a very vital part in our connection and relationship with anyone. Also ask yourself why you are seeking our guidance and is this from a good place. We won't work with anyone who doesn't honor themselves or have integrity. If you are receiving assistance from us without integrity then that is something else pretending to be us. 

There is no limit to how we can assist you in this world or even other realms. Please just ask for us and we will help assist if this ask is for the good of others. Integrity is a very vital part in our connection and relationship with anyone. Also ask yourself why you are seeking our guidance and is this from a good place. We won't work with anyone who doesn't honor themselves or have integrity. If you are receiving assistance from us without integrity then that is something else pretending to be us. 

While some are connected to hundreds and others are guardians whom have connection to all. Most have a strong connect to one. One is a good place to begin and one is just as powerful as many

While some are connected to hundreds and others are guardians whom have connection to all. Most have a strong connect to one. One is a good place to begin and one is just as powerful as many