Quantum Light Language

Quantum Light Language Sessions

Home Clearing & Griding

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We are all a direct reflection of Gods expansion on this earthly plane. We all are journeying souls from many different Angelic and Galactic realms that have chosen to return to this Divine Earth plane at this time. In this session we call your ancient soul home. Your soul and vessel has a place here on this pure earth plane. Every part of your divine being that exist in other timelines and dimensions are ready to return home and be fully embraced by you. Sometimes the journey of life can leave our soul fragmented, pieces of us stuck in old timelines that no longer resonates with out souls and the new timelines are waiting to be connected with you for a higher elevation. When we dont connect with our true soul essence it prevents us from operating at our higher capacity and blocks soul level Ascension. Using Light language or soul language (which is all the souls or beings languages combined encrypted and coded) sending direct messages to the soul being within others opening a direct line of communication to the source of all creation. This session will bring you guidance in all areas of: Life, love, health, business, shifting timelines and removing soul level blockages. Reconnecting with your akashic records and providing clarity on your souls journey.