Align, Activate, Anchor & Ascend into your destiny and become the highest version of yourself.

Deep within you lies a treasure trove of codes, waiting to be unlocked! These codes hold the key to unleashing your truest form and embracing your sovereignty as a chosen vessel of the divine! Connecting to light consciousness, love and wealth codes with dragon technology that has been downloaded to me allows for a full multicellular & multidimensional upgrade to the energy bodies of your mind body and soul. Together, we'll activate your alignment, anchor your purpose, and ascend towards a life of abundance and power! 

Align, Anchor, Activate and Ascend Higher Realms of Abundance


Heal & Realign your relationship with yourself, wealth and your energy body.


Reconnect you to your soul mission & develop a deeper connection to the Divine.


How I can help you transform and thrive

I am a practitioner of the ancient and mystical ways of the Shamanic Dragon Medicine. As a Cosmic Channel of Light, I traverse the celestial realms as a Trance Channel, Quantum and High Energy Healer, and Dancing Medicine Woman. My gift as a Light Code Activator and Wealth Activator is but a small facet of my being, for I have been called to Anchor More Light ™ into this world and guide souls to their divine mission on this earthly plane. It is my sacred duty to assist you in unlocking the purpose of your soul, imparting ancient knowledge and alchemizing your life into its highest expression, so that you may become a beacon of truth, love, and light for all. 
With the guidance of benevolent quantum beings, including Divine God Consciousness and Divine Mother Sophia, I channel multidimensional healing modalities to facilitate empowerment, transformation, and ascension for both my clients and the collective. I am a living conduit of divine wisdom, here to help you walk the path of self-mastery and live a fruitful, aligned life. It is time to Align, Anchor, Activate and Ascend into your Divine Powers and Sacred Path.

Hello beautiful!
I am Antonia

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